How To Kill Maggots | Your Homes and Gardens

How To Kill Maggots

If you’re wondering how to kill maggots, you’ve probably seen them in your house already. In this situation, you will unavoidably want to eradicate the bug as soon as you can. That said, you might be relieved to learn that the greatest answers are straightforward.

Since fewer flies should equate to fewer maggots, it’s critical to understand how to keep them out of the house. However, it’s critical to understand that maggots provide a much bigger threat inside your home if they are able to infiltrate your area. 

This infamous bug can cause food poisoning in animals and is a serious concern if it contaminates food intended for human consumption. Thus, the first thing you should do if you’ve seen one is discover how to kill maggots right away. 

What Are Maggots?

Maggots are fly larvae. After a housefly, blowfly, or any other type of fly lays an egg, a creamy white, worm-like creature emerges. There are many species of worms, each with its shape and characteristics. The grub-like larvae typically feed on debris and rotting food and even each other.

It is good to note that the term “worm” is not a scientific term. The white or brown writhing creatures are the larval stage of flies in the order Diptera. However, worm-like larvae can also be applied to the larval stage of any insect. For example, bees in their larval stage also look like worms.

In this article, we will use the term common maggot to refer to the house fly, blowfly, or other common fly larvae that can infest trash cans or your home.

What do maggots look like?

Maggots are revolting. It isn’t the most professional opinion to have, but it’s entirely true.

They’re small, white creatures shaped similarly to a worm. They’re typically no more than a centimeter long, with a slightly segmented body that is the same creamy white color all the way from top to tail.

Maggots typically have one end that has what appears to be a small brown dot on it – this is the end of a maggot that contains sensory organs. Maggots can be quite hard to spot at the outset. The reason for this is that they’re very small and generic-looking; their behavior is more commonly noticed.

Are Maggots Dangerous?

Although flies are best known for transmitting diseases and being annoying, maggots are not dangerous and can even save lives.

Worm therapy is a common medical practice in which specific species of worms are cultured for hospital use. They eat dead tissue and rotting flesh to eliminate bacteria from wounds that have become infected. In some cultures, worms are considered a delicacy.

Common garbage worms, on the other hand, are likely contaminated with bacteria and could cause bacterial poisoning if consumed.

So, if you ever see worms, it’s time to deal with them. It is especially the case if they are outdoors in crops that they will likely feed on and damage.


What Kills Maggots Instantly?

Pour boiling water or vinegar solution over the worms for natural ways to kill them instantly. Sprinkle rock salt or diatomaceous earth on the worms to dehydrate their bodies and kill them instantly. Apply a bleach solution or chemical insecticide to the grubs for quick chemical control.

What kills maggots besides bleach?

Boiling water alone is generally sufficient to eradicate maggots. However, pest management specialist Nicholas Martin advises combining bleach and water 50/50 before applying it to maggots to eradicate them immediately in a very severe infestation.

Where Do Maggots Come From?

Maggots come from the eggs of flies, and their lifecycle follows these steps:

Eggs: A female fly will usually lay around 150 eggs at a time. The eggs of flies resemble small grains of rice.

Larvae: Fly larvae refer to maggots, and they resemble small worms.

Pupa: The pupa stage occurs when the skin of maggots turns into a dark, protective shell, much like a cocoon. During this phase, the bodies of maggots will transform into a fly. Before entering the pupa stage, maggots will go through a pre-pupa stage in which their bodies begin to form this protective shell.

Fly: Once the fly fully develops inside the protective shell, it will break free.

How do you kill maggots?

Getting rid of worms is simple. However, it takes some perseverance to kill the disgusting white larvae. Sometimes, two or three applications are needed to eliminate the maggots by killing the eggs and preventing flies.

Before taking steps to remove white grubs from your trash can or home, it is vital to understand where the grubs are coming from. If worms are a problem in your home, thoroughly inspect food storage areas and clean dirty areas.

Some owners report that the worms continue to appear despite repeatedly killing the repulsive white worms. They discovered that there were worms living in the rotten foundation of the house or that there was an infestation of bees in the walls.

Let’s look in detail at how to get rid of worms using non-chemical methods.

The Maggots Bug, scientifically known as dipteran larvae, is a fascinating yet often misunderstood insect in its larval stage. Maggots are the larvae of flies, belonging to the order Diptera, and are characterized by their legless, cylindrical bodies. These creatures play a crucial role in the ecosystem, aiding in the decomposition of organic matter.

Maggots are often associated with decomposing organic material, as they thrive in environments rich in decaying matter. Despite their unappealing reputation, maggots serve as nature’s recyclers, breaking down dead animals and organic waste into simpler substances. This process helps in nutrient cycling and maintaining ecological balance.

In addition to their ecological significance, maggots have also found applications in various fields, including medicine and forensic science. Medical practitioners use maggot therapy, also known as maggot debridement therapy (MDT), to assist in wound healing. Maggots are placed on wounds to consume dead tissue, promoting cleaner and faster healing.

In forensic entomology, the study of insects in legal investigations, the presence and development of maggots on a corpse can provide valuable information about the time of death and the post-mortem interval. This has proven crucial in criminal investigations and the determination of forensic timelines.

Despite their beneficial roles, maggots are often perceived negatively due to their association with unsanitary conditions and decay. It’s important to recognize their ecological contributions and the practical applications in various fields, highlighting the intricate balance of nature and the role each organism plays in the grand tapestry of life.

How to Get Rid of Maggots Naturally? How to Kill Magots?

Finding worms in or around your home can be shocking. Learn how to safely get rid of larval pests and how to prevent future infestations.

The presence of worms is a fearsome sight for homeowners who are unlucky enough to have tempted them. These messy white worms are actually fly larvae and are silent invaders that you probably won’t discover until they hatch. Maggots are a common problem in the warmer months, and as long as there are flies around, there is a chance of a maggot infestation.

Worms must be removed quickly before they spread. The fly larvae turn into pupae after about 5 days. These pupae then develop into adult flies, which reproduce and lay eggs from which more worms hatch.

To learn how to get rid of worms, read on. We will explain how to kill worms naturally.

How to Get Rid of Maggots?

Maggots can be controlled with chemical methods, but some natural methods can also be used. Here are five ways to get rid of maggots:

Cleanliness: One of the most effective ways to eliminate flies and maggots is to keep kitchens and other surfaces clean.

Traps: Using fly traps enables you to catch adult flies and prevent them from mating. You can use bug zappers, fly paper, and sticky ribbons as traps.

Natural predators: Birds and reptiles eat maggots. Encouraging these natural predators to frequent your garden by providing an attractive environment for them can help to keep maggot populations in check.

Natural remedies: Use diatomaceous earth, a powder made from fossilized algae that dehydrates maggots.

Chemical pesticides: Spray insecticides on maggots to kill them. However, it is vital to use these chemicals with caution and follow the teachings on the label. Many chemical pesticides can harm other animals and the environment.

To get rid of maggots on your pet, clean any open wounds or infected areas with hydrogen peroxide or an antiseptic solution. Keep the area clean and dry, and use an antibiotic ointment if the wounds are severe. It would help if you also took your pet to a veterinarian for treatment. 

Keeping maggots away from your home begins with figuring out why they appear. Identify the pest, locate the source, use multiple methods to ensure eradication, and take steps to prevent them from coming back.

How do you know if you have maggots in the house?

The worms are usually visible in the home, as most of them are at least the size of a thumbnail. Any infected food product will cause crawling both inside and out. Use a stick or gloves to dig through the trash and open the food to look inside to see if it is present.

Check your pet for worms; They are often found in wounds or under the skin. You can also feel the spot to see if there is a firm lump hidden under the flesh of the injured area.

Worms can consume plant matter. You might notice that plants that used to be healthy are dying on their own, without any other environmental changes. Some of these factories may need to be pulled up so the root mass and plant hole can be inspected for worms.

Killing Maggots in the House | Do Maggots Turn Into Flies?

If you find worms in the house, there are several ways to kill them:

Pour boiling water into any areas you suspect are infested.

Sprinkle the area well with salt.

Clean your garbage container with a mixture of water and lime, salt or vinegar to prevent future infestations.

Spray with an insecticide. If you find they’re carpets or baseboards in your home, you will usually need to spray them.

Use a spot spray treatment if the infestation is small, or use area spray to treat a larger infestation.

Other Ways to Get Rid of Maggots

Usually, using natural ways is enough to permanently eradicate maggots. But in other cases—particularly when dealing with a significant infestation of maggots—chemical techniques might be quicker and more successful.

Trash cans infested with maggots and eggs can be cleaned out using bleach. Some claim that the potent smell of bleach keeps flies away from treated regions for a while. However, it’s important to keep in mind that bleach is a hazardous substance and is not eco-friendly. When using bleach, make sure to use safety goggles and gloves and empty garbage cans into an area with good ventilation.

Are Maggots Dangerous to People or Pets?

Flies are known to transmit some diseases, but there is no strong evidence to suggest that the presence of worms causes health problems in people.

In fact, some hospitals practice maggot therapy, in which medical professionals use special species of maggots to eliminate bacteria from infected wounds. However, keep in mind that these are particular worms bred for medical purposes; They are very different from worms in a trash can. Worms found in or around a home are likely contaminated with bacteria. Accidenit’sy eating worms or food infested with them can cause bacterial infections or food poisoning.

Flies sometimes lay their eggs on or near an open wound on a person or animal, but this is more common among wild animals. As worms develop in the tissues of living organisms, an infection called myiasis can occur.

Maggots and Medicine

Interestingly, maggots can serve a purpose in the medical and forensic science fields. For hundreds of years, doctors used maggots to help with wound healing and prevent infection. When applied to a wound, maggots can help debride the wound. Wound debridement refers to removing dead tissue, which helps a wound heal. Additionally, bacteria can grow quickly in dead tissues. Therefore, removing this dead tissue can help prevent infections as well.

In 2004, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approved the medical use of maggots to aid in wound healing. Unfortunately, maggots can also enter human skin by burrowing through the skin. During this process, maggots can secrete a substance that acts as a painkiller, making their presence less noticeable to the person.

Maggots are also used in forensic science by helping to detect a person’s time of death. Since the lifecycle of maggots is well understood, forensic scientists can study the size and age of maggots on a dead body to accurately determine the time of death.

Health Risks of Maggots 

In general, maggots are not dangerous to healthy people. However, maggots can infect human tissue and cause a disease called myiasis. Symptoms of myiasis vary depending on the location and severity of the infestation, and it can affect both humans and animals. Untreated myiasis can lead to serious health complications and even death.

Because maggots feed on organic matter, they can contaminate food that is later eaten by people, causing intestinal myiasis. Intestinal myiasis occurs when flies lay eggs in food, a human eats the food, and then maggots hatch the human’s intestinal tract, causing an infection.

However, maggots do not bite humans or animals, so there is no need to worry about them transmitting illnesses to you or your pets that way.


Maggots are the larvae of the common fly, and the scientific name for the common housefly is Musca domestica. Maggots look like short worms, and they have tube-like mouths with hooks that are located on the tapered end of their bodies. The life cycle of a maggot starts as a tiny egg laid by fly larvae, and worm-like larvae hatch from these eggs. Larvae feed and grow very quickly, which requires them to molt. Molting refers to when maggots shed their exoskeletons so their bodies can grow. After their third molt, maggots will go through a pupa stage, which involves humans developing a dark, hard, protective shell much like a cocoon. In this cocoon, the bodies of maggots turn into flies, which will eventually break free of the protective shell. The entire life cycle from egg to fly usually lasts just over two weeks.

Maggots prefer wet, warm, and dark environments. Warm temperatures can speed up their life cycle. Therefore, the life cycle of maggots during the warm summer months will usually be the shortest. Maggots can serve a few useful purposes. Maggots can be applied to wounds and help with wound debridement, which refers to the removal of the dead tissues of a wound. Removing these dead tissues can help speed the healing process and prevent infection. Maggots are also used in forensic sciences to determine the time of death of a person, composting, preventing bad smells, and fishing.


What kills maggots?

One of the best ways to kill maggots is to pour boiling water onto them. The high temperatures of the boiling moisture will kill the maggots.

What kills maggots instantly?

One all-natural way to quickly kill maggots is to boil water. Carefully pour the water to prevent burns or accidental spills in other locations.

Are there natural treatments to get rid of maggots?

Maggots can be killed by using lemon juice or lime. Applying a generous coating of salt to them also works wonders. Boiling water or strong vinegar will also kill them.

Where do maggots live?

Maggots live on decaying, organic matter such as rotten vegetables and dead animals. Flies lay their eggs on this decaying matter, and these eggs hatch into maggots. Maggots then feed on these substances.

Can maggots enter human skin?

Yes, maggots can enter human skin. Maggots are able to burrow under the skin of humans. During this process, maggots secrete a substance that acts as a painkiller, which can make them less noticeable.

How do I get rid of maggots in my pets?

In order to see and remove the maggots from their wound, you should shave the area around it. Although administering a topical salve to the wound or affected region or washing them with shampoo that has been medicated may also be helpful, visiting the veterinarian right away is the safest course of action.

How to kill maggots in trash can climb walls?

The worms are burrowers and use the hooks on their front end to eat and move through the material. There are anecdotal claims of worms climbing walls, but this is not typical worm behavior.

What causes maggots in the house?

Female flies lay their eggs in moist areas that contain organic or rotting materials. Maggots are likely to attach themselves to homes with fly-accessible trash, compost, or food remnants.

What kills Maggots on contact leads to having in the house?

Worms often appear inside the house when rotten food is left outside or in the trash for a long time. By quickly throwing away spoiled or overripe food and saving your trash can lined up and clean every day, you can control worm infestation.

What things should I use to kill maggots?

Using a high-quality cleaning solution is the most straightforward method of cleaning up after discovering maggots. Additionally, you can get rid of them naturally by using dish soap, boric acid, and lemon. You can also use a bleach-containing product for extra disinfection.

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